Brand Culture Resource Guide

the conscious creator’s notion template for building an enchanting brand culture

Your brand culture represents the values, goals, + pathways of your ideal clients — including embodied representations of how they identify themselves + what they connect with

identifies your ideal client

the characteristics, qualities, + desires of who you most want to work with, as well as best benefit from what you have to offer

defines your brand journey

the clear steps your client's can take to reach a transformation through your offerings, in which builds retention + customer trust

crafts your brand aesthetic

a unique + cohesive visual style that implements your color palette + design ambience to show your brand's personality + core values

A brand logo alone is not enough to create a memorable brand.

Without a strong brand culture, branding can feel inconsistent, content creation can be difficult, and confidence can falter. That's why it's important to craft a brand culture that resonates with your ideal client and defines your brand journey.


1. duplicate the Notion guide

2. craft your brand culture

3. enchant your dream clients

Make your dream clients obsessed with you

The key to standing out in a crowd is to make the audience feel instantly seen. If you're a creative or dreamer who's tired of being swiped past online, this Notion template will show you what to incorporate in your content to get the attention your brand deserves. This guide will walk you through collecting the eight essential elements of an enchanting brand culture. 


hey, i'm brittany marie 

I used to put crazy kinds of pressure on my logo + it took me so long to learn that your logo isn’t what makes an impression - your brand’s aesthetic does. I wasted time + money feeling insecure with the way I showed up online, causing me to avoid making valuable connections with my aligned community.

Here’s the thing: your logo cannot fully demonstrate your brand journey or your client’s transformation. That’s why it’s so crucial to have to a strong brand culture to fill in the pieces + let your dream clients know that they can trust your corner of the internet to solve their problems. Your aesthetic is what will tell your brand story + make you stand out in the crowd.

Build an enchanting brand culture + make your mark in the world.